Saturday, March 7, 2009

So Far,So good

Finally here, it took us two and a half days of driving (mostly in the rain) to get here. Then, out first day in sunny California, it rained. Go figure.

As I write this on Saturday morning, I am sitting in my new apartment (actually, a condo I'm renting from the owner) in Tarzana, CA. If that name sounds slightly familiar, that's because it was named after the title character in the Tarzan movie series.

A pretty amazing event happened to me a few days ago. My Hollywood acting coach called and said I had an audition on Thursday, March 5th with a well known Hollywood casting director. Apparently he had mentioned me to her and she said she wanted to see me. I auditioned in the Hollywood studio where Hero's and other TV series are filmed. I auditioned for a one episode small part for Amy Poehler's (of Saturday Night Live fame) new NBC series, "Parks and Recreation". Next, the casting director had me read for a one line role in the series, "The office". Never did I think I would be auditioning for small roles in two television series on my third full day in town. I know that I have a lot of hard work in front of me, and things like this will, by no means, be routine, but still, not a bad first week.

The traffic in LA is not as bad as you have heard. It's much WORSE!! Funny thing is when you first get here you think how wild everyone drives. Then, in a few days, you are driving the same way. Must be something in the water.

Well, have to run, furniture is being delivered this afternoon.

More soon........

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