Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Living, Southern California Style

I have another audition, today. I guess calling it "another audition" sounds a bit flip, and I don't mean it that way at all, as I value each audition I am able to get. This one is this afternoon in Venice, and it's for an infomercial. While I have had acting friends who have auditioned for (and appeared) in infomercials, I have never done either, and really have no idea as to what to expect. However, it's honest, paid work and worth pursuing. I'll let you know how it turns out.

I have been in most Southern California cities, either on business trips (my sales territory for several companies included Southern California), or pleasure trips, but I have never been to Venice, which from all reports is an interesting place.

Coming from the Seattle area, there are several non acting related difference to get used to. First, is the weather. It Will be 87 today in Tarzana (where I live), with the temperature dropping back (as the local weatherman says) into the mid sixties by the weekend. I love the term dropping back into the sixties.

Next, of course, is the traffic which is a real bear. Sometimes it's bumper to bumper and then, for no apparent reason, you're zipping along at speed limit (or higher) speeds. Many drivers are courteous, and a few are not. I have learned to allow double the normal time to get to an appointment or audition. Sure, you get to many places early, but the peace of mind is worth it. Being late is not a good personal habit and it can be a real deal breaker for an actor.

Food costs a bit more here, but strangely, car washes are less expensive. My car had not been washed since our rainy trip through Washington, Oregon and Northern California. Yesterday I had it washed, vacuumed, with hand drying and all windows cleaned inside and out, for just $9.00 plus a tip to the man who did the finish work.

By and large, I have found the people here to be open and friendly. I'm sure, as in most places, there are a few jerks lurking around, but I have been fortunate to not meet any so far.

And so it goes...........

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