Monday, March 30, 2009

The Life Of An Actor.............

Trying to get established as a new actor in Southern California is an ongoing, daily process. However, it's not 24/7. Along with doing all the things necessary to break into the business, there is also the daily living chores, which we all have. I devote a portion of every day to acting activities, and on some days that means spending hours, and on other days (depending on the circumstances) spending less.

That said, I am finding there are several non acting areas for which anyone coming down here to cast their lot, needs to be prepared.

First, if course, is the financial aspect. Every one's financial situation is different, so while I wouldn't attempt to tell you how go about it, please understand that you must prepare with a nest egg before you get here, and either a job or some other type of income to keep that nest egg replenished. If you are going to need a job you also need to know that while there are certainly still day jobs for actors down here, Southern California, like the rest of the nation, has been hit quite hard by the economy, meaning some of the traditional day jobs usually taken by actors have been scooped up by people from other fields who lost their jobs.

Next, is the isolation. True you're surrounded by some thirteen million people, but you are quite suddenly cut off from the majority, if not all, of your family and friends. Yes, with email, phones, instant messages, cam to cam communication on the Internet, a great amount of communication is still available with all these people, but the face to face contact with them, with which you are accustomed, is suddenly missing. This takes a real mental adjustment to get used to, but it is possible. One of the things which makes it possible is to keep focused on why you came here in the first place. Sure, there are a lot of neat things to do and see in Southern California, and new actor residents (all new residents, for that matter) should take full advantage of them, but without ever losing sight of their main goal. Also, the longer you are here, the more new friends you will make.

Besides all the many and necessary acting activities which I have mentioned in previous blog entries, there is setting up housekeeping and daily living activities associated with anyone who moves to a new area....Finding a place to live, furniture, laundry and dry cleaning, groceries, services like convenient service stations, banks, car washes (hey this is California, land of sun and clean cars), cable TV (or not), and many other aspects of daily life, all of which need to be re-established once you move. I mentioned cars. Arrive in Southern California in one, or buy one when you get here, but a reliable car is an absolute necessity for actors in LA.

My advice to any new actor taking the plunge to Southern California, is be prepared for your life to change suddenly and drastically. This is not meant to imply that the change is all bad, or all good. There is both, and I like to think the good far outweighs the bad, but above all it is different.

Having said all it worth it? Without a doubt, yes, because you will be making a concentrated effort to realize a dream, and to further your standing in a field of work that you love. Even if you fail (and more do than don't), you took your best shot, and that is an opportunity everyone should have once or twice in their lifetime.

This coming Wednesday is my second private lesson with my Hollywood acting coach. Those are always fun (except for the times when I screw up) and each lesson moves me just a little closer to getting where I want to be. Besides, I love looking up at that white Hollywood sign on the hill, just before I enter his building.

Talk with you soon...........

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