Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Into A Routine

I am a firm believer that one should have a routine in their daily life....not a rut, mind you but a routine to get you started on your day. Anyone who knows me well knows that my routine always starts with coffee (Starbucks of course). My morning routine has quickly fallen into this: coffee, read two newspapers on the Internet (The Seattle Times, and the Los Angeles Times), then a shower, and I'm ready for the day, be it a day of errands, self marketing and/or research on the Internet, being out and about....going places and meeting people, or what have you. That has quickly become my Los Angeles early morning routine.

In the immediate future, I have much to do in researching the various audition boards. My goal is to become SAG eligible as soon as possible, but prior to that I will seek non-union work. There is a good amount of non-union work in this town, and why not. The place is full of actors, many of them not yet union, looking for work. Auditioning for two network television shows last week was wonderful, but obviously that is not going to happen every week.

Sunday, my wife and I had lunch with my acting coach. It was both pleasant (he's a very nice and interesting man) and informative, as he filled me in on some of the ups and downs of the film industry here. We had lunch a a great little place called the Aroma Cafe....good food and a great outdoor seating arrangement.

Monday Morning I took Linda to the Burbank Airport where she boarded a plane for Seattle. She was such a great help getting me established, but she had to be back in her office Tuesday morning. Our two cats (tended to by a very good pet sitter while we were gone) we overjoyed to see her, I'm sure.

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