Monday, April 27, 2009


The Jerry Seinfield show used to say their show was a show about nothing. The same might very well be said about this blog entry, as it is somewhat of a jumbled collection of thoughts, happenings, and other things that move through my life.

LA weather is usually great until it isn't. I found that out last week when on two successive days the high temperature was ninety eight one day and over a hundred the next. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over, as the daily high temperature quickly fell into the sixties.

Day after tomorrow I have another acting lesson in Hollywood. It may be my last one for a few weeks, as my acting coach will be out of town for a while pursing his interests in Seattle and Chicago. As always I can expect the lesson to be fairly intense, as he is not at all shy about putting you through the paces. If one is looking for an easy "Oh that was so wonderful" type of acting coach, he's not it, and that is exactly why I like him, and why I feel I progress as an actor with every lesson I take from him. As I have said before, I don't often reveal names in this blog, such as acting coaches, casting directors, product names in commercials, and so forth. However, some of my actor friends know who my acting coach is, and to them I say, study with this man every chance you get, and you will become a better actor for having done so.

This past Friday I had a very enjoyable evening with Bill Thomson and his wife, Bill being a very influential music professor from my college days. Bill went on to serve on the faculty of several universities, before becoming the Dean of Music at USC. Bill gave a talk to a large audience about the history of jazz in the LA area. His talk was fascinating, and was followed by a buffet, and then by a good jazz quartet, fronted by an excellent alto sax man. I finished the evening back at the Thompson's house (in Pasadena), where over a glass of good wine, the three of us talked about music, college days, jazz, and what have you. It was a fun evening.

This coming Sunday, I shoot my scene (yes, I have but one) in the film in which I play an embarrassed priest. I got very lucky in the location for Sunday's shoot, as it's in Sherman Oaks, which is less than ten miles from where I live. I could easily travel sixty or seventy miles from where I live and still be in the LA area. Sometimes life hands you a little luck, I guess.

Well, you were warned that this was really a blog entry about nothing, but the good news is that it's fairly short. Perhaps I'll have more pertinent things to say in my next entry.


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