Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Going To School

What have I been doing since we last talked? Study, study, study (OK and a couple of auditions thrown in).

I have immersed myself in the study of acting. In essence, I'm going to school. Besides regular sessions with my Hollywood acting coach (the most recent one this morning) I have been participating in a number of casting director workshops, a fairly inexpensive way to (1) do some scenes with a quality actor, and (2) be seen by casting directors who cast major TV and Films. I have been in workshops with Michael Testa (Cold Case), Paul Weber (Head of casting at MGM). Sherri Henderson (many films), Mark Bennett (also many films) and four of five other top flight casting directors.

And then there is my every Sunday afternoon workshop with Craig Campobasso, a delightful man who cast the TV show "Picket Fences", a number of films, and with several more films in the works, currently.

Being in LA for an actor at its best means you work fairly steadily and get an education in acting on the set, in classes and private lessons, and through the before mentioned casting director workshops. At it's worst, you don't work, but you still get a hell of a good acting education. I am in the middle ground between those two in that I have found some work, and I am getting a wonderful Hollywood actor education, plus I'm networking.

Many of you know that I was in a episode of the NBC series, "The Office". I had a good amount of screen time but all my lines were cut (along with another actor), as in post they changed the ending a great deal from the shooting script. However, I have found that still photos of myself and others from those deleted scenes (the wedding ceremony, itself) have appeared all over the Internet, in newspapers and magazines, and I was just told that I am in photos in TV guide this week. Alas, fame is fleeting........

I have had one commercial audition recently and I have an audition for a film tomorrow.

I recently had new commercial headshots taken, but am sticking with my same theatrical headshots, as they seem to be working.

Monday the 21st I will be on a plane for Seattle to spend nine days with my wife over the Christmas Holidays....some R&R in my favorite city. As I tell people, my home is in Seattle....I just work in LA.

On the 30th it's back to LA and who knows what lies ahead. I have some big decisions to make early in 2010 as to the direction I want to take my acting career. Stay tuned, and I'll let you know how it all shakes out as soon as I know.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all, and to all a good night.


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