Sunday, October 4, 2009

Maximum Exposure

I've heard it said that you can invent the greatest widget in the world, but if no one knows about it you won't sell any. That was true when I was in computer system sales, it was true earlier when I was a professional musician, and it is certainly true as an actor.

This Thursday I will be playing the role of The Minister on NBC's "The Office". Obviously I can't discuss anything pertaining to the plot (even though hints of it have been all over the fan sites of the show, on the Internet), as the producers take a dim view of anyone who does, I and I don't blame them one bit.

However, I can publicize my appearance on the show to those in the industry who I feel need to know. Along those lines I have been busy preparing self marketing material to distribute this week. I have created, addressed and stamped 90 postcards. These cards (which will be mailed tomorrow) will go to talent agencies and casting directors in LA. I am still seeking theatrical representation and need to market myself and my role on "The Office" to agencies. Also, sending postcards telling casting directors about an appearance, be it television, a film , or on stage is always a good idea. Not all will be interested, but some will. Postcards need to have a very short message and address on the back and your photo, or photos on the front.

Also, to the talent Agencies only, who are receiving postcards from me, I sending my headshot, resume and short cover letter. Again, not all will be interested, but my hope is that some will.

Marketing of one's self in LA is an ongoing procedure. Actors either trying to break into this market, or those who already have, need four things (and possible a fifth). They need at least some talent, good training, experience, and a strong self marketing effort. The fifth thing is some luck, which never hurt anyone. By luck I mean meeting the right person, or simply being in the right place at the right time. I have had my share of good luck since arriving in LA.

In addition to regular private lessons with my Hollywood acting coach, I am continuing my participation in casting director's workshops, having taken one last Wednesday with another one scheduled for the 10th of this month. I do this through an organization called Actors West, run by two very nice and qualified people, Stan and Mike. For a smaller fee than one might think, Actors West provides top working casting directors conducting workshops for actors. Most run three hours (with a few scheduled for longer periods) and they are a great tool for any actor to improve their audition skills, and to network.

What will be the result of my latest marketing efforts? I have no idea, but I do know that marketing is a necessary and continuing part of the game plan for any actor in LA.

I hope all of you will be able to watch "The Office" this coming Thursday.

More later....................

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