Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time Out

A workshop tonight and then a time out for rest and relaxation.

Tonight, I will be attending a workshop held by casting director Ricki Maslar. I have heard good things about her and I'm looking forward to tonight.

Tomorrow evening my wife flies into town and we are then starting a eight day vacation, seeing the sights of LA and spending a couple of nights in Las Vegas. It's recharging the batteries time.

After vacation, I ramp up my search for theatrical representation into high gear, and I have a couple more casting director workshops scheduled.

Like most actors, be they famous or not, I am always looking for my next job. Such is the lot of an actor. Still, we probably wouldn't change it if we could, as each day ahead of us is unscripted and full of surprises. That's part of the fun.

I'll talk with you soon after I return from vacation.

Until then................

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