Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Visiting The Agencies

One week ago yesterday, I sent out fifty one envelopes containing a headshot, resume, and cover letter to talent agents in the LA area. To date, I have heard from three of those agencies asking me to come in for an appointment/audition.

I met with one agency last Friday morning and another one this morning. I will be visiting the third agency a week from today. So far the results have been extremely gratifying, with both the agencies I have visited so far, offering to represent me. While I am pleased, it is really not something I thought would happen so quickly.

I will make a decision as to which agency I will go with after visiting the third agency next week. It too is one which people in the business recommend highly. This third agency is somewhat larger than the two I have visited so far, but size in this town is not a good criteria for evaluating an agency. Smaller agencies (or boutique agencies, as they are known in the business) have less talent agents and less clients, while larger agencies have more agents and more clients. Both types can do well, and all three of these agencies have a reputation of doing just that for the actors they represent.

Of course, getting representation by a quality agency is just the start for an actor in Hollywood. Next, you must get auditions (through your agent, and on your own), and then you must do well enough in those audition to get booked. Never the less, being represented by a quality agency is a vital first step, and it appears I have managed that first step, as I will be choosing an agency before the month is over.

I mentioned getting auditions through your agent and on your own. Having an agent in this town (or any other town for that matter) doesn't mean sitting by the phone, letting them do all the work, and waiting for them to call. You must work the other side of the street, so to speak, and constantly submit yourself for auditions through one of the local reputable services (NOTE TO ACTORS: They are not all reputable), send headshots and resumes to casting directors (the second half of my phase II which I will complete before month end), appear in showcases that casting directors attend, and continue to do all the marketing efforts you did prior to having an agent. You don't have an agent to take the place of your self-marketing efforts....you have an agent in addition to your self-marketing efforts.

A final note. The agency I visited today is literally at the corner of Hollywood and Vine. I parked in a lot directly across from the Capital Records building and on the way to and from the agency, traveled down the Hollywood Walk of Fame, in which hundreds of large gold stars are embedded in the sidewalk with the names of famous actors and entertainers from the past and present. I walked by stars for Greer Garson, William Holden, Francis X Bushman, Gary Cooper, Randolph Scott, and many, many others. I have to admit, I still get a big kick out of the tradition and landmarks of Hollywood and the rest of the LA area.

See you soon......

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