Sunday, June 28, 2009

Riding The Hollywood Roller Coaster

On thing an actor learns early in their career is that it is wise not to get too down when things don't go well, and not to get too elated when they do. In other words, a middle of the road, even keel approach is best for your sanity. Last week was a prime personal example of that fact.

I returned from Seattle on a flight into Burbank Monday evening. The trip was great, spending time with my wife, our two cats, catching a few of the new films which are out, and just relaxing and recharging the batteries for a few days. I greatly enjoyed every minute of it.

On my second full day back in LA I had a previously scheduled private lesson with my acting coach in Hollywood. It did not go well. As he usually does, he sent me the sides (via email) the day before. I worked on the them night before my lesson and thought I had a pretty fair handle on the role. I was wrong.....dead wrong! I could not get into the role, and while some takes were better than others and a few sentences of my delivery were right on, over all it was one of the worst lessons I have had with him since moving to LA. Needless to say we are doing that same role in my next lesson with him.

That was the bad the good. After my lesson I drove home, and while having lunch, received a call. It was about a role for which I had submitted myself through one of the on-line services I subscribe to. They wanted to know if I could be in Glendale to audition in a little over an hour. I said I could, gobbled down the last few bites of my lunch, and from the time of the phone call until I walked into their offices was one hour and ten minutes. The traffic gods on the Ventura freeway were kind to me that day.

I auditioned, and it went well. I have heard nothing yet and have no idea if I am in contention for the role or not. Still, I was pleased with the audition, and when an actor can walk away from an audition and feel good about how it went, that is the best they can hope for. After the audition, the rest is out of the actor's hands.

I mentioned in my last post that I had secured representation on the commercial side from a quite well regarded LA talent agency. Friday afternoon, I received an email telling me I had an audition this coming Monday morning (the 29th) as a result of being submitted by my new agency. The audition is in Sherman Oaks, less than ten miles from where I live. I'm looking forward to it. Some of my acting friends in Seattle used to look at me like I was a two headed Martian when I would say this, but I enjoy auditions, and have since the very first one.

So The roller coaster ride last week had it ups and downs. I suppose that's why they call it a roller coaster. The acting lesson wasn't what I had hoped it would be, but the nice thing about an acting lesson, as opposed to an audition, is that, if necessary, (and, boy, is it necessary this time) you get a chance to do the lesson over. With an audition you get one at bat (and maybe a second, if you get a callback).

Get your tickets early. The roller coaster leaves for another trip next week. Hang on!

More later...........

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