Friday, May 15, 2009

Ebbs and Flows

I have mentioned before that even though breaking into the business of acting in LA is a full time job, there will be some down time when not much is happening, and so it is for me right now.

Quite some time ago (before being bitten by the acting bug), I spent a number of years selling information systems to hospitals. I once had a great run of selling a system to a different hospital, each month for six months in a row. That won me the salesman of the year award. I also had a run where I sold no systems for six months. That won me a trip to the sales manager's office to answer the question, "What's the problem?" Ebbs and flows.

I have had no auditions in the last month. One could get down over that, but the key is to not get too high when things are up ("Hey, just got a part in a good film."), or too low when they are down, like they are now. An even keel is a much better approach, plus the knowledge that slow times do not last forever, nor do the good times, as more than likely, they alternate.

My wife was here last weekend. She was attending a conference at Pepperdine University in Malibu and then stayed for three more days. That was the good news. The bad news was that at the exact same time she was here, I came down with the worst cold I have had in several years, and our plans to play tourist in Southern California, had to be postponed until her next trip down. It was wonderful seeing her, even though the circumstances were not the best.

The cold, of course, is why I haven't entered a new post in this blog in a while. I'm fine now, with only the irritating aftermath we all have from a cold, and I'm now back to my daily routine of audition board checking and again picking up my efforts to secure an agent, as well as putting my headshot and resume in front of as many casting directors as possible. It's good to "be back to work", and to put that miserable cold behind me. I have an acting lesson with my acting coach scheduled next Wednesday, and then I will really feel back in the swing of things.

Ebbs and Flows.

Talk with you later...........

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